Opportunities upon Opportunities!!

Ahhhh this is my reaction to all the many opportunities that are coming my way! Honestly, it’s one opportunity after another and it’s all due to God! I’m super blessed and can’t wait to share them with you darlings. I have a MAJOR opportunity tomorrow but I don’t think I’ll have the time to blog about in the midst of it, but I’ll try. However, keep pushing and going after your dreams. God will open doors that no man can shut! 😉

Attire: White Cut off Sweater – Bar III

            Woven Button Up – Hollister

            Skirt – H&M

            Flats – Express

            Necklace – Haven’t slightest clue, I’ve had it for so long

            Bracelet – My Grandmother’s

Morning Motivation

So often we find ourselves stuck in the “wishing” well which can very much cause stagnation in our lives. There’s nothing wrong with wishing at all. In fact, I believe that wishing is the beginning of many dreams waiting to come into fruition. However, many of us continue wishing and don’t “do” it. Unfortunately, we allow such a gap between the wish and execution to exist which slowly causes internal deterioration. We begin to digress within, the longer we stare at what we wish/dream to happen. Our spirit man take a a plunder and opens doors for jealously, frustration, and even unhappiness. But, take heart, because all of that can change! You have the power and ability to close the gap of a simple wish and its manifestation. You may say it’s impossible, but relax because the word itself says “I’m Possible”. Whatever hesitation or doubt you may have, arrest it and lock it up for good! This is your time to do it. Just take a step and close that gap between a wish and manifestation. It’s your time. 

AMOL Spotlight: Little Black Girls at New York Fashion Week

By far, this photo is my FAVORITE photo from New York FashionWeek! I love it because these little girls experienced one of the most coveted places to be and at seven years old, a whole new world was opened unto them. It’s also phenomenal because there was a time where attending NYFW shows was just a dream for black people and sharing this moment with these beautiful little black girls was an awesome feeling! After the show, we (along with my friend Hannah whose daughter is on the left) went backstage for the girls to hang out with the models, get makeup done, and take lots of pictures. In fact, the photographers took more pics of them than me!! Lol!!! They stole the show!! I love when little black girls are exposed to the limitless possibilities of this world and dare to dream bigger! Be inspired;)

Who gets an exclusive pic with the designer Taoray Wang after her F/W ’15 Presentation? They do!

Backstage Access with Kelly Cutrone! She adored Taelynn-Marie and Mahogany!

Hanging out with the models! The models LOVED their outfits! Lol

The girls freshing up backstage in the model mirrors!

Day 5: NYFW Recap

Hi darlings!

Yesterday was a VERY long day for me as Fashion Week consumed majority of my day which is a GREAT thing since I love it so much. Just being in the atmosphere, gets my blood pumping and adrenaline spiking throughout my body. It’s a wonderful time and wonderful place – I pray that each of you get the opportunity to attend at some point. But, for now, you can follow through my eyes!

Attending shows with my fashion twin is a BLAST! We are literally seeing our dreams manifest! You can also check out her blog at faithfashioncharity.tumblr.com 🙂

Backstage Access! Hanging out with the makeup artists, models, press, and others before the show! LOTS of action!

I love chatting with my fellow models! She is such a beauty both inside and out, getting ready before she hit the runway!

The Model Lineup! This chart visually shows what each model is wearing and the order that they come out onto the runway. EVERY designer has a model lineup board behind the stage so everyone can be on one accord and the presentation may go smoothly…..

This is what the scene looks like under the tent right before the presentation begins with the designer’s name. I attended Taoray Wang’s F/W ’15 (you might remember her from my review of last season’s presentation) which was absolutely stunning. I will do a separate post with video clips and exclusive pictures from her runway presentation, so stay tuned!

While there, I met my identical fashion twin! Our looks were SO similar, I just HAD to take a pic!

Be inspired 😉