Opportunities upon Opportunities!!

Ahhhh this is my reaction to all the many opportunities that are coming my way! Honestly, it’s one opportunity after another and it’s all due to God! I’m super blessed and can’t wait to share them with you darlings. I have a MAJOR opportunity tomorrow but I don’t think I’ll have the time to blog about in the midst of it, but I’ll try. However, keep pushing and going after your dreams. God will open doors that no man can shut! 😉

Attire: White Cut off Sweater – Bar III

            Woven Button Up – Hollister

            Skirt – H&M

            Flats – Express

            Necklace – Haven’t slightest clue, I’ve had it for so long

            Bracelet – My Grandmother’s

Being A Blessing Is A Luxury ;)

Life is about service. Serving mankind.

How else are we suppose to grow without helping another?

Today, I woke up this morning encouraging another to be a blessing to someone. You never know what someone may need at the moment. It can simply be a smile, a hug, a compliment, or even an encouraging word. But, sometimes we get so caught up in our own worlds that we forget our natural duty to help our brothers and sisters. We think that we don’t have enough money to help someone, or we’re going through so much ourselves that we can’t possibly be of any assistance to someone else. But, what we fail to realize at times is that we don’t necessarily need money or food to truly help someone, we can really just lend an ear and listen to them. We can even take a stroll with them. Try shooting a “I’m thinking about you” text. It would mean the world to someone. Watch. Honestly, it’s more blessed to give than receive, as the Bible says. YOU feel better about yourself when you bless someone.

Trust me, you will.

Try it out and let me know how you feel afterwards. I guarantee you will be blessed yourself.

So be a blessing today and be blessed yourself. 🙂

I share this photo of myself today to send you an encouraging word to be content in where you are in life. You are who you are. I finally let my hair down (literally and figuratively) and accepted all of me. I’m proud of the woman I’ve become. And I want you to be proud of who you have become. The road hasn’t been easy of either of us, but we made it this far. Let’s be proud of ourselves for once and celebrate our growth. Share this with someone else and be a blessing. 😉

Military Mode : The Luxurious Battle

In life, we battle many storms. And some currents are stronger than others. But, we, as a people must stand against all blows and fight to the end, the end of the storm. It is in the fight where our character and strength illuminates and determines the depth of our internal sufferings. It is in the fight where we learn the true meaning of perseverance. It is in the fight where we learn how sturdy our foundational ships are. BUT, it is in the final blow of the fight where we stand after every fall.

Our ships may have been blown to pieces but our invincibility shines over every shattered wood from our cores.

Indeed, the battle will be won.
You will make it.
You made it through before.
You are a survivor.

After every storm, the sun does still come out.

The hell that you went through is over. Live in the victory. One day at a time.

Remember, there’s always an attack before a miracle.

Military Attire: Multiple Attacks, Multiple Miracles

Attire: Top & Skirt – Byron Lars Beauty Mark

Remembering YOUR Help is a Luxury

Never forget those who helped you to get to the top.

So many people, once they “make it”, forget those who helped them get to where they are which is totally unfair.  When I think about ALL the people who have stood by my side and picked me up when I fell deep into a pit, I become so grateful and humbled.  I shall never forget what God has done for me and the people He blessed me with to help me.  I’m not where I want to be yet (I’m clearly on the way), but I’ve definitely kept a mental note of all the people who have been a blessing to me and I will do everything in my power to be a blessing to them in any way I can.  It’s those that stand by you in the dark that help bring the light in your journey and should never be taken for granted.  Trust me.  Never forget them.

An Amazing Story: A Woman Hears for the First Time!

There are so many things in life we take for granted.  The ability to hear.   The ability to see.  The ability to feel.  The ability to walk.  The ability to stand.  Our mere existence is a blessing in itself.  But, how many of us lack the ability to hear?  How many of us lack the ability to see?  Can you stand on your own?  Something to ponder.

Last week, I came across a moving article that deeply touched my heart.  When I read the article on Yahoo! News and watched the video, I immediately sat in awe and lifted up a praise to God for the blessing on this young woman.  This 26-year-old young woman Amy has never heard of day of sound in her life.  But, in this video recorded by her Aunt, her surgically cochlear hearing device is being tested for the first time.  As she begins to hear sound, she responds happily in sign language!  Then, as she begins to hear her father and son call her name for the first time, we see a climax of emotions from Amy, so remarkable and moving!

It’s amazing how technology has progressed over the last decades and continues rapidly even as we speak.  The opportunities that are available now are far greater than one could have imagined in the past.  I’m not sure if this story has been shared on the news, but as phenomenal as it is, it should be.  As much distressing news we are exposed to on a daily basis, we desperately need more positive and uplifting stories in  this world.  So please watch this video and share with others!